Monday, February 7, 2011

Farmer Tan

After being bed-ridden last week without so much as a nurse maid to swab the pools of sweat from my forehead or to cook me a pot of my beloved chicken noodle soup when I wanted that sweet sweet grandma goodness, it was nice to get into some overallls and to plough a few fields. Not literally of course, I don't have a plough and its too icy outside. It was in fact, sitting around a warm kitchen table with a glass of port and some devine proscuitto snuggling a grape like a new born.
But how can you plough a few fields around a kitchen table you ask?
Agricola. The ultimate farming board game. Yee ha.
To give you a brief rundown of how it works, you have a farmer and his wife collecting resources like wood, clay and stone to build fences and barns to house sheep, wild boar and cattle. The animals really look special alas the farmer and his wife is simply a flat disk of coloured wood. So my blue flat farmers renovated the mud house, planted a few harvests and procreated along with the sheep! The choices were endless up until round 14 then what ever I had on my land was calculated and to my surprise I lost. Even though my farm was clearly the prettiest.
It made me entertain the idea that maybe I could be a farmer. A real one. Only the equivilant of a half a one though, because let's face it, I would no longer be living in the Land of Oz (no pun intended) I would tied to boulders in Kansas.
If only we didn't have to pay for land and everyone got a little share to build a little something on.
Wouldn't that be swell? Wait. Is this sounding a bit too much like utopia? Probably.

Well maybe I'll resort to growing my underarm hair and joining a commune to share the load - somewhere warm of course.

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