Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"From small beginnings come great things..."

To all my dear readers (who perchance stumble upon this premier blog)

This is beginning of many a beautiful friendships: one that is between my fingers and the black keys in which I strike, another between our eyes surveying the same thoughts and stories written and finally the comments in which you will no doubt share with me.


I've perused the globe for friendship, like-mindedness, laughter and of course love, to surprisingly find it pretty much all over like a thick molasses - from the origins of my birth place in Melbourne all the way up the east coast of Australia, across continents to Europe, China and other parts of Asia, to end up in Montreal, Canada where I'm currently sticking fast (but unfortunately not soaking up a lot of the french language as quickly as I would've liked) to the culture, the environment and of course the food.

The winter encroaching upon us here in Montreal which can peak to about minus forty in February is, in my opinion just as beautiful than the spring with all her fragrant blooming jewels.
The ice formations in the wilderness of Quebec, (when I visit) the constant flow of warm cups of tea, a good microbrewery beer, playing hockey in the snowy backstreets of Montreal, eating a warm buttery baguette with hot soup is the saving grace to a long dark hibernation. Sure I may move more slowly and occasionally have to bury my hands in my armpits like a squirrel tucked away in its burrow but its all part of the liquid experience of life - isn't it.

Well stay tuned to some more adventures as they come and I'll be sure to entertain for you.

You with me?

Let's live!

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